Life Abundant
Fr. Justin will taking a group from St Barnabas to the National Festival. Please email the Parish Office on if you would like to join us. The festival timetable and workshop options can be found on this page.
Saturday 13th September 2014
in Southwark Cathedral
Celebrating Catholic Witness
In the Church of England
10.00 am Registration and coffee
10.30 am Keynote Address:
The Revd Professor Alison Milbank
11.00 am Workshops & Seminars – 1
12.15 pm Solemn Mass of the Holy Spirit
President The Bishop of Southwark
Preacher The Archbishop of Perth
1.30 pm Lunch
Not be provided but there are places in and around the Cathedral.
2.15 pm Workshops & Seminars – 2
3.15 pm Tea
3.45 pm Workshops & Seminars – 3
5.00 pm Lift High the Cross
A reflective liturgy to celebrate Holy Cross Day.
Homily The Dean of Norwich
Benediction Officiant The Dean of Southwark
There will be three workshop slots during the day, covering areas where the Catholic witness within the Church has been most evident: the struggle for social justice, spirituality, theology and liturgy. You can select up to 3 workshops if you decide to come to the event. Please email the Parish Office on if you would like to come.
A Celebrating Sacraments
B Worship for Young People
C Use of Prayer
D Contemplation & the Struggle for Social Justice
E Spirituality & the Arts
F Vocation and Discipleship
G Faith in the Public Square
H Biblical Imagination
I A Christian Approach to Living Ethically
J Catholic Witness in the Inner City
K Conversing with Other Faiths
L Making Poverty History