St Barnabas Sponsored Bike Ride

The Vicar (Fr. Justin) and Director of Music (Paul), decided they needed to get some exercise (and do some good!) So they’re organising this bike ride from Hanwell in West London to Henley-on-Thames in Oxfordshire to raise funds for the church.

The route is 30 miles and should take us approximately 4 hours. We intend to crown the completion of our feat of cycle bravery with a lovely lunch at the pub. It’s important to note that this is a bike ride not a bike race. So if you’re a dedicated cyclist or just a “cyclist” like the Vicar then you should come along too.

Most importantly, we’re looking to raise funds for the work and ministry of St Barnabas.

There are two ways you can give.

1) Online at BmyCharity. Just click here. It simple, quick and secure. 

2) In church by marking a Gift Aid envelope “Bike Ride” and dropping it into the collection plate.

Registration for the race will close on Monday 22 September 2014. Please register here.

Any questions about St Barnabas Sponsored Bike Ride please call 020 8998 4079 or email Margaret Lipka, Parish Administrator. 

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