Prospex is an Islington-based youth charity that supports young people in achieving their full potential in life.
Why is Prospex needed?
Islington has the second highest child poverty rate in London. It is the eighth most deprived borough in England and the fourth most deprived in London. Prospex works with young people who are socially disadvantaged, through no fault of their own. Most of them are excluded (formally or voluntarily) from education and most are heading for unemployment and are involved in youth crime, alcohol and drug abuse. Most suffer from low self esteem and confidence, and lack long term, stable, one to one relationships. Almost half of the children in Islington live in poverty
What does Prospex do?
‘Prospex Street Team’ – outreach work to connect with and build meaningful relationships with young people.
‘Prospex Youth Hubs’ – set up in community centres and providing personal development and positive activities.
‘Prospex One-2-One’- individual tailor-made support between an individual young person and a Prospex youth worker.
Why support Prospex?
Prospex is long-standing – established in 2001.We build strong one-to-one relationships with young people over a long period of time. We have dedicated staff who care. We are passionate about improving the life prospects of disadvantaged young people.