Pastoral Care

The church community shares in the joys and griefs of the wider community and prays for people regularly in church. In addition, the church offers those going through a difficult time the opportunity for a listening ear and personal prayer. Prayer for healing of body, mind and spirit is also available, with laying on of hands and / or anointing. Those who are housebound or in hospital may be visited and brought communion as appropriate.

Laying on of hands with prayer for healing is offered once a quarter during the main Sunday Eucharist. This is offered by the Vicar, assisted by another authorised minister.

Each Sunday a ‘prayer basket’ is brought to the altar. This is to facilitate private requests for prayer, which the Vicar then prays about during Morning and Evening Prayer in the following week.

Pastoral care groups

A recent and much appreciated development has been the formation of pastoral care groups within the congregation. These groups, based on where people live, are intended to foster gentle, non intrusive, care.




The end of life and after

The Vicar is very open to meeting with a family where a member is terminally ill, to provide support and assist in planning the funeral.

The Vicar is available to conduct the funeral of anyone in the parish, whatever their religious affiliation. The Vicar or lay pastoral assistants are happy to keep in contact with the bereaved family afterwards, if that is requested.

The names of those who have died in the previous year, along with names of others ‘whom we love but see no longer’, are read aloud during the All Souls Requiem which falls on or around 2nd November each year. link to special services.